Kass Ghayouri is a world-renowned human rights author. She was born in South Africa and immigrated to Canada in 1989. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English and Psychology. She obtained a postgraduate degree in English, School Guidance and Counseling, Gifted Education, Special Education and ESL. She is a first-place international award-winning Human Rights author, award-winning poet, talented illustrator, a grade 12 academic English teacher and a powerful businesswoman. She owns a tutorial school in Markham, Ontario, Canada- Governess Academy. 

She won numerous international awards for her books. She gained public recognition from many prominent figures and politicians. Most of all in 2020 the University of KwaZulu - Natal celebrated her as a phenomenal woman, for her achievements in Literature. 

As a Human Rights author and a woman academic, she adhered to making a significant contribution to Social Injustice and Human Rights issues as showcased in her novels about Racism - Nelson Mandela and the Apartheid era in South Africa (An Era of Error), the Sri Lankan Tamil Genocide (A Note from the No Fire Zone) and now Child Abuse (Kiss Innocence Goodbye). 

An Era of Error

An Era of Error sheds light on an Indian girl growing up in a period of racial segregation enforced by the Apartheid government in South Africa during the period of 1960 to 2000.


The Fugitive’s Baby

A captivating story that takes the reader on an emotional rollercoaster ride of love, romance, fear, articulate characters, and finally topped off with a nostalgic plot.

I Tried But I Died

A novel that delves deep down into the core of human nature, exposing the evil and darkest side of the human mind.


A Note From the No Fire Zone

A novel written by award winning Human Rights author Kass Ghayouri. This novel is a phenomenal anecdote and memoir, igniting the history and reality of the Tamil Genocide. The authenticity of the novel demonstrates and embodies the core premise of human rights. No other novel compares to this award winning novel as the author's diction is unique and the narrative perspective encompasses an anecdote of a protagonist. It ultimately sets the mood and tone of the novel by winning Human Rights author Kass Ghayouri.

Governess Poetry & Illustration

A book that is not just the experiences of daily life but also the experience of Kass’ vivid imagination and intellectual curiosity.


Universe Poetry & Illustration

In Ghayouri’s opinion, poetry is a mirror to the soul. It personifies dramatic expression and is the liberty of self expression. Poems are spiritual, mystical and mysterious in essence. It embeds itself in one’s mind and touches the heart. Ghayouri is able to generate imagery and visual symbolism in her poems.

Punch Buggy

An inspirational story of a beetle car. It inspires people of all age groups to play the game “Punch Buggy” Children love this little bug and when the antagonist comes along… trouble lurks.


Kass Ghayouri’s novel, Kiss Innocence Goodbye, portrays Social Injustice and Human Rights issues, through the philosophical, spiritual, and psychological lens. Child sexual and physical abuse is a fundamental Social Justice issue. The consequences of child abuse and maltreatment evoke a vision of silence and shame. The spiritual path that each child takes, will guide them to embrace their identity and perception of the world.

The child protagonist in Kiss Innocence Goodbye walked on eggshells. Shame followed her like a shadow. The crack of a whip made her jump out of her skin. She shuddered, as her body could not house the capacity of fear. The wind gave out the most Satanic howl. She looked her predator eye to thigh, with gothic horror. Her respiration increased, as if a pandemic virus had invaded her body…

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